Be an Interested Travel Friend

Blogs about travel experiences are among the most popular sites on the internet. A good travel blog is helpful for inspiration and planning. Comparing notes about your travel experience provides a roadmap for other travelers as they research their travel preferences and decide where to go and how to get there.

Sharing stories about your experiences has always been a touchstone of our human existence. The flickering fires of primitive times lit the faces of our ancestors with excitement and anticipation as the tribal storyteller told of heroic events, dreams and desires that created a collective memory passed down from generation to generation. People found their stories interesting and they listened.

 “Then why are we at times so resistant to hearing about our friend’s stories about their travels?”

Perhaps it’s because of the way we tell our stories. People in general have a terrible habit of assuming other people’s experiences are not as interesting as their own and that includes traveling. They think their trip was the best and their way of travel 5 star. An interested travel friend knowns that travel stories can be full of wonder and insight. A shared tip about a unique restaurant, a hidden gallery, a little-known off the tourist flow vineyard is like a gift waiting for that special moment to demonstrate its worth. But when our stories are boastful or showing off they have little value.

Travel tips and experiences are best shared with good judgment and common sense. Motivators of sharing travel experiences should relate to wanting to introduce people to accommodations or excursions that add value to their trip and help them experience the best the destination has to offer. Social media channels or trusted friends are typical sources for suggestions, recommendations, and insights. You can vet and determine what internet sites give you valuable information but you can’t always filter your friends who often without knowing can be overbearing about sharing their travel story. An interested travel friend begins with a good travel story. Not a bragging “here’s what I’ve done” story but a story that engages you with an insight that is unique. A good storyteller knows their audience and creates a positive attitude towards their stories, rarely allowing for negative emotions to come between them and the listener.

Interested travel friends share in the joy of each others travel experience. They listen and ask questions about their friend’s travels, look at their photos and enjoy their stories. Live vicariously through their travel adventures. Storyboard their experiences. Take note of their recommendations and learn from their mistakes. It can be frustrating when you want to tell people about your travels and nobody wants to hear. Are they envious or simply disinterested? Or are your stories and recommendations more about personal fulfillment and self-actualization than personal insights. More about perceived enjoyment rather than looking at what might interest them. Don’t let your own travel emotions overshadow the possibilities for others to experience theirs. Slowly unfold your travel story and see how it fits into their travel plans.

There are so many unforgettable moments to share while traveling. Make those moments part of your shared travel story but remember that experiences and itineraries are best shared with good judgement and common sense. Posting 200+ pictures on Facebook or Instagram may not be the best way to share your travel time and can be annoying. Personalize your story one on one in a conversation with meaningful information that can make a difference in your friend’s travel plans. Listen to their ideas as well. 

The world is an open book. Their stories may encourage you to write your own.




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